Casa Gres / Luciano Kruk

Casa gres / luciano kruk

Architect’s statement:

This project starts from the request of a client who already had made another project of a summer house several years before, so he knew how we work at the Studio. This person now lives in Brazil with her partner, developing both a life based on the production and teaching of handmade pottery and they asked us to project a home-atelier, with two differentiated sectors, but where the sector of the house could receive exhibitions of ceramic pieces.

Casa gres / luciano kruk

Casa gres / luciano kruk

The land is located in a semi rural area outside of the small town of Itauna, some 80km from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. The area is mountainous and has an exuberant vegetation, so the whole land is completely filled with different species of native tall trees and other type of lower vegetation.

The project aimed to preserve and utilize the magnificent vegetation, incorporating it into the house and the atelier, through strategically located patios for the organization of the various fields, separating the atelier of the rest of the house also sectorizing the bedroom area.

Casa gres / luciano kruk

Casa gres / luciano kruk

For the work to be built without problems, given its distance away from our Studio that prevents us from making a normal track of it, we simplify the project as much as possible, so for this work we thought it as two parallel slabs of exposed concrete, one for the floor to be about rising about 50cm of the ground, and the other forming the roof, supported by a grid of steel columns, which get it included in the perimeter of the glass enclosures. For the divisions inside the house we developed a series of wooden panels of simple construction. Part of the fixed equipment (desks, countertops, desks) was also designed in reinforced concrete to reduce costs.

Casa gres / luciano kruk

Casa gres / luciano kruk

Project Details:

Location: Itauna, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Type: Residential – Houses
Land area:2077 m2
Built area: 180m2
Construction year: Under construction
Architect: Luciano Kruk
Collaborators: Belรฉn Ferrand – Ekaterina Allaria – Andrรฉs Conde Blanco

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