Filopappou Hill Residences / Z-level

Filopappou hill residences / z-level

Architect’s Statement: This two-residence house forms part of a line of contiguous houses that front onto the circular road that rings Philopappou Hill, with a view towards the Hill and towards the Acropolis. The building is situated on the boundary between the densely-built urban web / small plots of land with continuous low-level buildings and the natural Attic landscape.

The corner plot faces southwest and offers vistas towards the city and the sea. The building comprises two two-storey condominiums covering 350 sq.m.

Filopappou hill residences / z-level

The unique position of the building was handled with a view to escalating to a crescendo, juxtaposing the surrounding area, the road / hill and city / Acropolis with the tripartite separation of the building into base / body / crown.ย The buildingโ€™s structure is expressed in its volume and its elevations.

Filopappou hill residences / z-level
ยฉ Dimitris Chalkiadakis

The building is permeated throughout by its relationship to its environment; this is moderated through the use of boundaries and the position of openings and transitional outdoor spaces. The view changes angles and from frontal and specific it broadens to overlook the panorama from the Acropolis to the sea.

Filopappou hill residences / z-level

The floor plan is organized to cover two distinct zones, which slide around in order to achieve the greatest possible building length running parallel to the hill, so that each interior point of the building is ensured a view. The voids created are where the balconies project on the exterior corner and vertical circulation takes place in the interior corner.

This formation ensures that interior spaces have a through draught, which, combined with restricting the amount of sunlight to infiltrate into the building, maintains temperature at pleasant levels in a natural manner.

Filopappou hill residences / z-level

To protect the upper segment of the building from sun out of the west and from public view, moveable metal blinds were utilized, which enclose it, creating a mutable prism. This mutability is also reflected in the interior space, with different qualities of natural light and a transposition of the building boundaries.

Project Details:

Location: Athens, Greece
Type: Residential – Houses
Area: 350mยฒ
Architects: Z-Level
Architect In Charge: Elena Zervoudakis
Photographs: Yiorgis Yerolybos, Dimitris Chalkiadakis

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