Tips & Tricks On How To Survive An Architecture Recession

Watching a recession approach could be very disturbing. But it can be dealt with if you are prepared for it.

The architecture industry sees a lot of booms and slumps. Sometimes your company may be getting a lot of projects while at other times, another company may be leading the way. Hence, you must know the tips and tricks in case you face a similar situation.

But before anything, we would tell you to remain confident and be dedicated to your work. There is no substitute for hard work and dedication, and it can take you a long way.

In the next section, we will be discussing the different measures that can be taken to survive an architecture recession. Pay attention to the points, and you should not face grave difficulties along the way.

So, letโ€™s dive in.

Tips & Tricks On How To Survive An Architecture Recession

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An architecture recession is not the end of the industry. Remember that things will brighten up soon and you need to be grounded and patient. This is not going to make you any less of an architect and you can still have a great future. Here we have tried to touch upon all the points that will help you out. Read on to know all about it.

  1. Approach The Decision Makers

Every company has some officials who make decisions about who they are going to let go, and you need to find these people. If you are a part of a big organization, chances are that the CEO does not take care of the hiring and firing process. He would give this responsibility to managers or HR heads.

Talk to people and be discreet. But find out who are the ones deciding for you. If you can figure this out, then you know who to impress. The next task would be to show them how valuable you are. Approach them with your work and make sure news of your successes reach them.

If you can be in a cordial relationship with the decision-makers, then there is a chance that you can ask for a review. This will involve a discussion with them about the work that you have done till now and your contributions to the company.

Let them know what you want to do in the future and how you see growth in life. This is more like asking for an annual salary review, but without asking for a raise.

  1. Be A Model Employee

Being indispensable to the company is a crucial way to ensure that you do not have to walk out of the door first. In tough times, companies tend to value their resourceful employees. So, if you can be the go-to person for everybody in the company, your chances of losing a job are reduced.

Now that does not guarantee that you will be able to keep your job. But this will at least provide you with leverage above others. There are a number of factors that employers take into consideration while deciding who to keep and who to let go.
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They will look at the tenure, past work, the number of projects that you have worked on, and your role in an office space in general. You might not be able to change some of these when a recession begins, but you can start being more approachable and visible.

This is when you need to pull in a few extra hours or work through the night to crack projects. Once they see how valuable you are, the company will consider keeping you till they can.

  1. Amp Up Your Skills

Remember, this is the time when you work on bettering your skills. The three most important areas at this point are your qualifications, skills, and connections. If you can improve on these three areas, there is a good chance you will be able to keep the job longer.

Do you lack certain skills that would help in working better than or exceeding your peers? If there is one or more, this is the time to learn it all. Spend a few extra hours and money to get these skills. Join an online course and get the needed certificates or degrees.

When an employer sees your motivation, they will most likely be impressed. The investment of time and money is going to be crucial at this stage and will help you in the future.

Also, remember to keep updating your resume and portfolio if you are building skills. In case you do get fired, a backup plan should be ready. Keep all your documents ready and get your letters of reference. Being prepared will help you switch jobs with the least amount of gap in between both.

  1. Be A Nice Person

Being a nice person, in general, does not take a lot of effort, and it always works. Do you remember that one colleague who helped you out in times of distress? It might have been a small move on their part, but it has become an unforgettable memory for you. This is the person that you need to be.

Every individual does not have all the skills and may be mediocre at their job. But if you are a nice person, your co-workers will like your company. Greet everybody with a smile, get a coffee for that colleague who looks stressed and be an approachable individual in general.

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It is vital that you stay positive if situations do not look good. In a recession time, people around you might be freaking out or might be severely worried. If they need help, they are probably going to ask a jovial colleague than an unapproachable genius! This will also lead you to become indispensable.

  1. Remember To Be A Jack Of All Trades

It is always good to be specializing in a certain area. It is often known as the key to a successful career. Do you specialize in conceptual design? Or do you take care of the technical side of design, focusing on construction and deeds?

Now, imagine if the company is not getting any construction documents to look into, you would be sitting idle, right? This is the time when you need to make an exception and be the jack of all trades. It would help if you were flexible enough to look at other fields or work at the office.

Talk to your peers and get to know what they are doing. See if it interests you and make an effort to learn it. If you are able to pick up other work easily and work on them, your supervisors will be putting in a word to their bosses.

Needless to say, make sure the decision-makers are watching, or they know about it when you are learning and taking part in other work in the office.

  1. Talk To Your Supervisors

If layoffs are already happening, you need to be realistic. As a last resort, it is best to schedule a meeting with your supervisor. Talk to him about the situation and the current solutions. Ask him about the job cuts but let him know you are concerned too.

Please do not make it seem like you want to abandon the company. Let them know you want to help out in any way possible. If they are indicating a job cut, ask them about the other options and how you can build your career. They might have good resources which might be able to help you out. If you do this before the red envelope arrives, you might have a better time than others.

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But remember, only have the talk if you feel this is the last resort option. Wait till you see if anybody is getting fired from your office and then do it. Otherwise, this may lead to unnecessary complications.

  1. Keep Secondary Sources Of Income

Today the industries are very different, and to have a secure life, it is best to have multiple sources of income. Think about what your side hustle could be and begin on it immediately. It could be designing models for architectural firms. You can provide rendering services or freelance architectural work.

There are innumerable opportunities online, and it is time to explore them. The additional income will help you sustain even if you lose the primary job. It will give you much-needed peace of mind, and you never know when the side hustle starts reaping more profits than the main one.

But remember to make sure that your current job is not affected by this. You cannot be sleeping on your desk in the morning after having spent the whole night working on freelance projects. It is essential that you divide your time carefully between both.

Also, while earning from multiple sources, you must remember to save. This is important in case of a recession period as there is always a chance that you might not have a proper job for a few months.

Try to reduce bills and live on a budget. Keep enough money saved for at least 6 months that you might have to live without earnings. This will help you work with an open mind without worrying about debts and loans.

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Final Words

We have finally reached the end of the guide, and we hope it helps you to survive. It is always better to be prepared for the future and have a plan B just in case. Also, do not judge yourself or let a recession lower your confidence.

In a recession period, brilliant employees lose their job simply because the company can no longer afford to pay them. It is not personal and hence you should not get discouraged.

Some people take it as a wake-up call to get up and change the way things have been going. You might actually end up benefiting and creating a better future for yourself.

Keep the spirits high, and you will ace your life. After all, hard work, dedication, and positivity can go a long way!

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