Huellas Artes / 100architects

Architects: 100architects
Area: 744 m²
Year: 2014
Photography: Ines Subtil / 100architetcs
Project Team: Marcial Jesús, pablo Juica, Madalena Sales
City: Santiago
Country: Chile

Huellas Artes, an experimental urban project by 100architects in Santiago, Chile, revitalized and underutilized space near the Bellas Artes metro station in 2014. This self-managed and self-financed project aimed to explore innovative methods of urban intervention through a 2D “painted scape,” transforming the area with colors and functional graphics without adding new structures. The project emphasized creativity and social interaction, enhancing the urban experience for passerby.

Huellas artes / 100architects

Huellas Artes was initiated by three young architects to explore experimental urban interventions. The project focused on transforming spaces through 2D surface interventions, avoiding new 3D structures. It was self-managed and self-financed, aiming to test experimental city intervention methods.

Huellas artes / 100architects

Located near the Bellas Artes metro station in downtown Santiago, Huellas Artes aimed to revitalize an underutilized space above the station. The project intended to attract activities related to the station’s constant foot traffic, establishing functions and encouraging social relationship. The intervention used colors, words, photographs, and lines to create areas, signals, and suggested functions, transforming the space into a vibrant environment.

Huellas artes / 100architects
YouTube video

The architects used polyethylene-coated cloth tape in various colors and size to ad functional elements like a “selfies” wall, artist spot, meeting point, directional arrows, seating benches, and other informal uses. These additions aimed to foster social interaction and engagement, creating a dynamic environment.

Huellas artes / 100architects

Despite its shot duration of two weeks, Huellas Artes had a significant impact, surprising and captivating passerby. The colorful intervention encouraged people to view the space differently and promoted interaction that enriched the urban experience.

Huellas Artes demonstrated the transformative potential of simple yet creative urban design interventions. By challenging conventional approaches and reimagining existing spaces, the project highlighted the importance of creativity and innovation in shaping future cities.

Huellas artes / 100architects
Project Gallery
Project Location

Address: 717 Merced Street, Santiago, Región Metropolitana 8320083, Chile

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