House in Okazaki / Kazuki Moroe Architects

Architects: Kazuki Moroe Architects
Area: 122 m²
Year: 2014
Photography: Kai Nakamura, Hiroshi Tanigawa
General Contractor: Maruhei Kensetsu Co., Ltd.
Structural Engineer: Tatsumi Terado Structural Studio
Garden Design: Yasutoshi Sakurai, Sakurai Zoukeisha
City: Okazaki
Country: Japan

House in Okazaki, designed by Kazuki Moroe Architects in 2014, is a 122 m² residence located near a stream lined with cherry trees. The design thoughtfully integrates the site’s natural topography, utilizing reflective surfaces to create an expanded perception of space. The first floor is especially designed to cater to the needs of an elderly couple, ensuring comfort and accessibility.

House in okazaki / kazuki moroe architects

Situated on a site with a tuff retaining wall separating it from the road, the home includes a raised second floor that enhances natural light and ventilation. This elevated design directs additional light into the often-dark center of the first floor, improving the overall living environment for the elderly couple and their son, who also resides in the home.

The design allows for visual interaction through gaps in the floor, maintaining connections between the home’s occupants. The central staircase roof is elevated to function as a ventilation tower, improving airflow throughout the house. Stainless steel panels are placed on the outer walls, and mirrors are installed on the inner walls. These reflective surfaces capture the greenery from the garden, creating an expanded spatial experience through trompe l’oeil effects. The design incorporates varying scales—from the urban scale of the bank and retaining wall to the intimate scale of small windows and mirrors—to achieve a sense of transparency that is well-suited for this residence.

House in okazaki / kazuki moroe architects
Project Gallery
Project Location

Address: Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, Japan

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