‘t Bosbad / GAAGA

Architects: GAAGA
Area: 2800 m²
Year: 2022
Photographs: Melchior Overdevest, Max Hart Nibbrig
Manufacturers: VBI, Van Hameren houthandel
Architectural Design: Esther Stevelink
Contractor: Dura Vermeer BV
Structural Design: Van Rossum Raadgevende Ingenieurs
Landscape Design: MAAK Space
Architectural Design and Engineering: Arie Bergsma, Maaike Van der Veer, Rozemarijn Nederend
Program / Use / Building Function: Residential
City: Eindhoven
Country: The Netherlands

Het Bosbad, a residential building designed in park Bosrijk, integrates housing with the aesthetic of ‘sculptures in a sculpture garden’. The structure, marked by its freedom within a wooded clearing, represents the latest in a series of unique residential assemblies. It features a simple, logical architecture with dual rectangular volumes bridged by a landscaped public passage that acts as both the heart of the building and a seamless extension of the park. This design enhances connectivity with nature and incorporates advanced environmental strategies, emphasizing sustainability and adaptability in its construction.

‘t bosbad / gaaga

‘Het Bosbad’, situated in park Bosrijk, is conceptualized as sculptures within a garden of sculptures. This residential building is positioned freely in a clearing surrounded by trees, constituting the newest addition to a sequence of distinctive residential clusters.

The architecture of ‘Het Bosbad’ is straightforward and systematic, comprising two rectangular structures. These are separated by a landscaped public walkway featuring bridges and galleries that provide access to the residences. This pathway extends into the park’s existing routes, and its integration with vegetation and water elements prolongs the park’s ambiance. It serves as the main entrance and communal area of the building, with apartments oriented towards both this green passage and the park’s expanse. The units feature corner windows offering broad park vistas and large balconies that allow residents to immerse themselves in the landscape. These balconies, supported by a colonnade of actual tree trunks, form a continuous belt that establishes a comforting buffer between the residents and park visitors. The building employs wood predominantly, using recycled timber in the facade and whimsical tree trunk columns to harmonize with the forest environment and temper its structured design.

The landscaped corridor through the building links visually and physically to the park and plays a crucial role in water management. Rainwater is directed from the balconies and the partially green roof into this passageway via water chains, gathering in interconnected small ponds. Surplus water is then channeled out through the northern end of the building into a parkland wadi. This setup aids in water management and contributes to cooling the environment during the summer months.

With an emphasis on circular construction principles, ‘Het Bosbad’ incorporates a demountable concrete framework using ‘green’ hollow-core slabs. The facade is likewise designed for ease of future disassembly, allowing over 85% of the material weight to be repurposed or recycled. The building uses previously employed and renewable resources, such as hardwood previously serving as riverbank protection and Eucalyptus tree trunks for structural columns. Designed for longevity and adaptability, the building ensures that installations are not permanently fixed and spaces remain free of structural columns, allowing for flexible floor configurations and future modifications without significant structural alterations. The use of lightweight hollow-core slabs represents a material and weight reduction of 40-45% compared to traditional construction methods, and the building achieves energy neutrality.

Project Gallery
Project Location

Address: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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