NewsURBAN PLANNING Frank Lloyd Wright Excelled at Designing Homes, But His Urban Visions Were Terrible
Master PlanApartmentsCOMMUNITYHOUSINGLandscape & UrbanismResidential ArchitectureURBAN PLANNING Microcity “V Lesu” / SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov + TPO “Reserve” + Ashman Salomon + Langhof
Landscape & UrbanismIndustrial & InfrastructureURBAN PLANNING Bathing Pier in Askim Bay / Manofactory
URBAN PLANNINGArchitectureLandscape & Urbanism St. Johannesplan & The Konsthall Square / White Arkitekter
Public SpaceCultural ArchitectureHERITAGETEMPORARY INSTALLATIONSURBAN PLANNING Huellas Artes / 100architects
Residential ArchitectureBuildingLandscape & UrbanismMaster Plan La Cadiere One Lake City Residential Buildings / SCDA Architects
Landscape & UrbanismIndustrial & InfrastructureURBAN PLANNING Renovation of Wuyuanwan Subway Station / ATENO
Landscape & UrbanismCity PlanningURBAN PLANNING The Sisters / Fedje Nomadic Park Benches / Saunders Architecture