Zupagrafika’s Eastern Block: Celebrating Warsaw’s Modernist Architecture through Eco-Friendly Paper Models

Zupagrafika’s Eastern Block (Blok Wschodni) collection showcases Warsaw’s modernist architecture from the communist era through a series of paper cut-out models. Created in 2014, this collection features iconic examples of functionalist architecture, such as the Rotunda PKO, alongside less prominent buildings like Za Żelazną Bramą, Smolna 8, Mokotów, and Wielka Płyta prefab blocks from the Tarchomin district. Each model in the series is meticulously hand-drawn and made entirely from 100% post-consumer recycled paper and cardboard, reflecting Zupagrafika’s commitment to eco-friendly design.

The models not only capture the aesthetic essence of these buildings but also provide educational value by including technical notes that detail the architects, year of construction, and specific locations of each structure. This approach not only preserves the architectural history of Warsaw but also offers a tangible way for enthusiasts and resident alike to engage with the city’s modernist legacy.

Zupagrafika's eastern block: celebrating warsaw's modernist architecture through eco-friendly paper models

Zupagrafika’s Eastern Block collection has received critical acclaim, including the ‘Must Have 2014 Award’ at the Łódź Design Festival and a nomination for the ‘Good Design Award 2014’ by the Polish Institute of Industrial Design. These accolades highlight the collection’s significance as both an artistic and educational tool, celebrating a period of architectural history that remains a defining feature of Warsaw’s urban landscape.

Zupagrafika's eastern block: celebrating warsaw's modernist architecture through eco-friendly paper models

Address: Warsaw, Poland

2 thoughts on “Zupagrafika’s Eastern Block: Celebrating Warsaw’s Modernist Architecture through Eco-Friendly Paper Models”

  1. From 1981 I was full-time an architect in Warsaw, Poland. Warsaw will always be very close to my heart, especially after decades designed the first line of the METRO -subway, parallel to Wisla. The “Kabaty” was the first assignment. An architect designs stations, interior design, and renovation of downtown buildings for easy access from Metro.
    Becoming a designer/architect/interior designer in the USA was a difficult and same time fantastic experience.
    Thank you for taking me to my past…… to Warsaw, Poland.

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