Architecture Career Success Tips | Millennial Edition

Outwardly, architecture may seem like a glamorous profession, but it takes years of dedication to make a name for yourself.

There’s no scope for half-measures in contemporary society, and people demand the best if they are employing you for a project. No surprises then that with increasing competition, the new generation of aspirants are bound to face pitfalls and failures before leaving their mark.

We understand the trepidation that most youngsters face, and listening to rumors will only encourage your inner fears. Therefore, to separate truth from hype, we’ve listed down the essential points that are critical for any emerging professional to be successful. You need to put in the hard yards and keep plugging away until you finally get your big break.

But with help from our guide, we’ve looked to provide an insight into the world of architecture so you can be mentally ready to face any challenge. So, read on to find out our blueprint for becoming a successful architect.

Architecture in Modern Times

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Who is a Millennial?

Before we delve into the intricacies of architecture, it’s pertinent we answer the question – who exactly is a millennial? You may have also heard the term “Generation Y” in this regard, and both the descriptions are synonymous with each other. It classifies individuals born between 1980 and 2000 and who are starting to cement their place in the professional world.

And one of the things with millennials is that they are subjected to a lot of stereotyping. There’s a tendency to classify certain groups of people together, which is completely biased, and the reasons are unfounded. While on the surface, stereotyping may not seem like a significant issue, but it’s one of the hurdles all emerging architects have to overcome.

It’s not enough that you have to fight the monsters within, but people seldom tend to make it more comfortable as you embark on a new adventure. But then again, it was never meant to be easy, and very few things in life are as satisfying as proving people wrong.

That’s why we’ve decided to highlight some of the stereotypes you’ve faced or may face, allowing you to see that you’re not alone and there is a way to overcome them.

Common Stereotypes

Most of the stereotypes labeled on millennials lack any cohesive argument. Moreover, it doesn’t seem right to assume that around 54 million individuals who fall in that bracket will live and act in the same way. Among the most common notions, we find people believing that millennials tend to be entitled and don’t want to pay their dues.

It seems a bit of an exaggeration as several individuals are ready to fight for what they want. Another similar stereotype is that working with “Generation Y” is high-maintenance and involves a lot of support. However, that’s true of any profession, and anyone who starts will need the necessary help to progress forward.

It’s essential to strike a balance between providing assistance and making emerging architects fast learners. It takes time to achieve this state and what supervisors need is to have patience. Meanwhile, there’s also an idea that all millennials are great at social media and tend to be job hoppers.

It doesn’t need telling that it isn’t the case, but we will reiterate it once more to drill the argument home. While most millennials have grown with technology, it certainly doesn’t mean that everyone is adept at using it. Social networking platforms have their pros and cons, and it ultimately depends on the individual how they respond to it or even like using it.

It’s best not to jump to conclusions because candidates may not like sharing every aspect of their lives. For them, privacy is essential, and supervisors must note the character of budding architects. Rather than stereotyping, the best way to gauge an individual’s strengths and weaknesses is to interact and then decide.

Why Should You Know This?

You might be curious as to why we are addressing stereotypes with regard to building a successful career. When you sit for an interview, most people hiring you will be more advanced in terms of years and experience. As a result, even if you haven’t been a victim of stereotyping, it’s ideal that you know what you may come up against.

It’ll ensure you can identify any question that has an undertone of stereotyping. If a person is asked why they had been in their previous job for six months, it’s essential to recognize what is being implied. You have to convince the individual that you won’t bail out on the company since they invest both time and resources. It’s, therefore, natural to expect loyalty in return.

To help you catch onto more subtle indications, we have narrowed down the following points for you to consider.

Tips for Success

It’s important to note that there’s no fixed path for success, and everyone may have their way of doing things. But the purpose of this segment is to highlight what established professionals have done well that help them stand out in the competitive world.

Of all the methods, we’ve zeroed in on five attributes that will play a crucial role in determining how your career pans out.

  1. Stop Complaining

There’s no point bickering because, frankly speaking, no one cares. To achieve something as a professional architect, you’ll have to deal with criticism daily. Now, the choice is yours, whether you want to rise to the challenge or waste your time complaining because no one wants to hear excuses. Irrespective of everything that happens, people will look for results.

And one of the most common complaints is related to the salary, with architects bitterly opposing the low wages. While it’s essential to be paid well, you must remember that it won’t be handed to you on a plate. To be paid the big bucks, you’ve to back it up with your work, which requires years of developing the necessary skills.

It would help if you created an element of trust, so firms won’t hesitate to offer you a big contract. And it’s delusional to expect that newcomers will earn the same as seasoned professionals. Even more critical is to trust your abilities rather than compare the pay scale to other professions.

Many people tend to look at software engineers and draw their example in their argument for a pay hike. But there’s no logic in connecting two different professions by the same thread. What you need is to focus on your career and trust the process. You must develop the habit of problem-solving to overcome adversity.

For that, you need to have a passion for the profession you have chosen because it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. There’s also a chance that you might not like architecture as much as you thought you would, and that’s fine because it’s still progress.

The key is to stay positive and shut out negative thoughts.

  1. Get Work Done

As an architect, you’ll have to be productive round the clock to meet deadlines. When you’re an amateur, you have to inculcate the habit of completing work on time. Otherwise, you won’t get your license. Furthermore, when a firm hires you, their policy may restrict employees from using social media sites.

While it may not be an effective way to stop procrastination, we can understand the thinking behind the rule. The aim is to make employees as productive as possible by cutting down all unnecessary aspects during work hours. However, in the era of smartphones, it’s not difficult for anyone to be distracted if they want to be.

It would be best if you had the willpower to keep your phone away and focus solely on your work. We understand that everyone needs a break from time to time, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of harming your career. The onus has to be on you to repay the faith the company has shown by hiring you.

We suggest you make a plan initially and break down your task into several small steps to make work more manageable. Then you can slog it out for eight hours and take short breaks in between rather than spending 14 hours cooped up in your cubicle.

It’s best to keep all distractions to a minimum and complete your work regularly to enjoy your life outside the office.

  1. Don’t Take Advantage of Your Employer

The golden rule to achieving success is to be grateful for the opportunity that has been bestowed upon you. You’ll often find that people seem to take the essential things in life for granted so try not to be one of those people. Having a job is necessary, and by being employed, you’re already better off than the thousands struggling to pay their bills.

You’re not doing your employer a favor by working because let’s face it: the person can hire someone else to do your work. It’s important to realize that you’ve been presented with an opportunity and therefore avoid ranting against the people who make it possible for you to enjoy your life.

Try not to take too many days off, and even if there’s an emergency, you must find a way to work around it. It lends a sense of credibility to your post and sends the message that you’re dependable, which will provide the scope for better opportunities. If you’re unhappy at your job, you should find another organization rather than wasting your time.

In case you’ve nowhere else to go, you better tough it out, which often opens the door for more significant possibilities. The idea is to be respectful of the people who are paying you and remember that no two organizations are the same. Certain things that are prevalent in one place may not be acceptable in another office.

Consequently, you’ll have to adjust as you go along, but with hard work, you’ll find yourself better equipped to deal with most situations.

  1. There’s No End to Learning

One thing that’s true across all professions is that there’s no end to learning. You have to keep your ego aside and accept the fact that you’re going to make mistakes. And with every slip-up, you’ve to realize how you can improve. The more you improve, the more your organization will get better, thereby making you a vital team member.

Moreover, learning isn’t just restricted to working, and whenever you get the time, we suggest you read books. While most books are welcome, if you want, you can try out self-help books or non-fictions such as autobiographies to understand how famous people deal with failure.

It’s no secret that reading a book enhances your perspective, and your desire to learn will go a long way in cementing your position. Furthermore, with software developments taking place at an alarming rate, it’s essential to stay updated. You can enroll in various courses that will give you much-needed knowledge on how to use the same.

The aim is to prevent stagnation and ensure you get better every day, which is essential for staying relevant in the work sphere.

  1. Manage Your Finances

Finally, we come to one of the most important things that millennials need to watch out for. Initially, architecture doesn’t pay much, and till you make it big, you’ll have to learn how to live on a budget. There’s no point in spending a substantial part of your income to look cool because, after a few years, no one will care.

Please invest the money in self-improvement and continue acquiring the necessary experience. We’re not suggesting you live miserly, and it’s important to let off steam once in a while, but create a budget plan and try not to overdo yourself. Think of ways to invest the money so that you get a substantial return from it in the long run.

It would help if you also looked for ways to get LEED accredited, finish your IDP, or attend workshops and seminars. And most crucially, you should avoid extravagant expenditure on expensive things. Judge for yourself if you need to buy something before going through with it. You had to put in several hard hours to earn whatever money you have, and it’s best not to waste it casually.

When you look around, you’ll find people who may have a more active lifestyle. Don’t compare and don’t try to compete because it’s meaningless. Instead, create your own story and be responsible for your actions as you have to take care of yourself.

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Final Words

We’ve reached the end of our guide, and hopefully, you’ve picked up on some vital tips.

Certain factors may allow you to be more successful, but the duty lies on you to ensure you work hard. Be grateful and dedicated, and we assure you that you can go a long way to becoming a successful architect.

Take care and bye!

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