HOUSESHouse InteriorsInterior DesignResidential ArchitectureRESIDENTIAL INTERIORS K House / Ronnie Alroy Architects
Apartments InteriorsApartmentsHOUSINGInterior DesignResidential ArchitectureRESIDENTIAL INTERIORS Flix House / gon architects
NewsArchitectArchitecture Casa Curutchet, Le Corbusier’s Only Work in Latin America, Stands in Argentina
HOUSESHouse InteriorsRefurbishmentRENOVATIONResidential ArchitectureRESIDENTIAL INTERIORS The Gertler Residence 1970 / Ray Kappe
HOUSESArchitectureResidential Architecture Cooper Residence / Gwathmey Siegel Kaufman Architects | Classics on Architecture Lab
OTHER FACILITIESCultural ArchitectureEducational ArchitectureLandscape & Urbanism Filsø Visitor’s Center / Schønherr
MuseumCultural ArchitectureCULTURAL CENTERMUSEUMS & EXHIBIT Lizhuang Museum of Cultural Preservation in World War ll / TJAD Original Design Studio
SCHOOLSEducational Architecture Haikou Jiangdong Huandao Experimental School / TAO – Trace Architecture Office
HOUSESResidential Architecture House in Villette / Charles Pictet et Baptiste Broillet Architectes Associés